We build custom apps on
Ruby on Rails

Canada-based, remote, operating since 2014

Our team specializes in building complex RoR solutions including SaaS applications, administration systems, booking apps, 3rd party-integrations. During the development process, we take responsibility for code quality, to ensure flexibility to changes and scalability in the future.

What we offer

Choose how you’d like us to get involved

Whether you need to build an app from scratch or take over the development of the existing mobile project – we’ve got you covered.

Project launch from scratch

Existing project modernization

Enhance the in-house team with specific expertise

Idea validation through PoC or MVP development

Great products aren’t just good code

When choosing datarockets, you get quality code, cost-effectiveness, extensive communication, and attention to what’s important for your business

Trusted by the best

YC-backed startups and enterprise companies trust us for their product development.

Finance effective

We work with limited-budget MVPs as well as with >1M development budgets – and we do both skillfully.

Proven expertise

We bring the expertise and velocity you need saving you the costs of managing in-house teams.

we worked with

In 8 years of work, our app development company has grown to now have 30 software engineers and developed 50 custom software solutions in 14 industries


Featured RoR projects

Fine jewelry e-commerce platfom​

Tech stack: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Spree e-commerce framework, Sidekiq job scheduler, concurrent-ruby framework

Cloud-based platform for accelerated capital-raising

Tech stack: Ruby on Rails, MySql, RSpec, ActiveAdmin, Delayed job, S3, AWS, JQuery, ES6, Haml, SASS, Bootstrap, Stripe SDK, FundAmerica SDK, Xero SDK, HelloSign SDK, K8s

Marketing automation SaaS tool

Tech stack: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Webpack, ES6, JQuery, Kibana

Vital - Ruby application screenshot

Human analytics platform for teams

Tech stack: Ruby on Rails, Rspec, Mandrill API, Google oAuth, React.js, Chart.js, Redux, Postgres

SaaS empowering Holacracy in organizations

Tech stack: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Webpack, ES6, CSS Modules, React, D3, Jest, GraphQL, React Relay, Flow types, Docker, Kubernetes

Wefindvenues - Ruby on Rails venue booking platform

Venue booking platform in the UK​

Tech stack: Ruby on Rails, Postgresql, Vue.js, Bootstrap, Jquery, Erb, Slim, SCSS

We love challenging projects!
Let's talk about yours!

Why us?

Proficient knowledge and years of experience

Our team consists of mainly senior and mid-level developers whose hearts belong to Ruby on Rails. Below we provided a couple of facts that prove our proficiency with RoR technology:

  • Our team organizes Ruby conferences and participates as speakers at meetups & conferences.
  • We contribute to open-source a lot. Check out our shared Ruby style guide and the post where our developer shares his experience of contributing to rubocop-rspec.
  • Our blog posts about RoR development approaches take top positions on Google Search. We share non-trivial cases with the dev community and help it grow.
Ruby on Rails developers in Toronto
datarockets' CTO speaking at the Ruby conference

Why Ruby on Rails?

Flexibility, speed, security

  • Ruby on Rails allows developers to develop absolutely custom software applications quickly without losing flexibility. 
  • Decent security out of the box: Security policy, Guide for securing Rails applications.  
  • Ruby on Rails has thousands of open source libraries and general good practices that we can utilize: testing libraries, i18n, caching, dev experience, many examples of how to organize business logic in the app, Trailblazer and Cells, GitHub’s view components.
  • A huge friendly community that helps to solve issues faster and provides a lot of out-of-the-box solutions. The community organizes bootcamps (Rails Girls) and schools (Pivorak school).
  • RoR keeps innovating, e.g. recent additions: Action Cable for features like chats and real-time page updates, Action Mailbox for email receiving, multiple database support, Hotwire.
  • Many successful projects written with RoR: GitHub, Shopify, AirBnB, Hey.com, Fiverr, TopTal backoffice.


Experienced RoR developers
in the team
Ruby on Rails
projects completed
Experienced RoR developers
in the team
Ruby on Rails
projects completed
years of experience developing RoR projects
Months is a medium
project duration
Years of experience
developing RoR projects
Months is a medium
project duration

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